Friday, 19 June 2015

Reasons Why Going Clubbing in Your Hometown is Awful after Your First Year at University

Recently finishing my first year at university, I went out clubbing in my hometown the other night in the hopes of a laugh, reuniting with some of my best friends from school and going out to our favorite piss hole that qualifies as a club to get drunk and dance. However, I couldn't help but notice a few things upon returning.

1. You feel old. 

There's no reason to beat around the bush. You spend months being the youngest clubbing in town, being a fresh faced newbie at 18, excitable at the new experiences you have yet to undertake with legal drinking. You come back from university, a now, wise old soul and you realise, everyone from the year below, is also out. It's such a weird realisation, you have to do a double take.

2. They all have far too much energy. 

They like to jump. A lot. Please calm down, my nineteen year old self can't take how energetic you are.

3. You miss seeing your university friends out

Nothing better than seeing Hayley from third year or Cat from History having not expected them to be out.

4. You realize that your clubs from your hometown are not quite as amazing as you first thought, before you got out there and experienced more places. 

Well, they're all you knew of. Right?

5. You see people from your old High School/College out. 

Now, sometimes its a happy spontaneous reunion, however there are always those faces you just never want to see again right? Isn't getting away from them one of the reasons you went to university anyway? (that and getting a degree)

6. Heels (making an effort)

One of the perks of being at university is the casual take on footwear. No vans or converse permitted here, heels or get the fuck out.

7. Taxi's home. 

Oh the days of being able to stumble home at 5am with a portion of chips and the knowledge your bed was a measly 2 minute walk away. Taxi's don't even allow you in with your post piss up feast anyway.

8. Planning.

No more carefree, last minute decisions to head up your campus club on the last sports night.

9. But at the end of the day, nothing beats the £1 shots your local piss up joint offers you, getting drunk with your friends from home and telling familiar faces you love them. Nothing beats a drunken reunion in your favorite run down local club. 

And if university has taught me anything, is how to pre-drink like a professional.

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